Composition books surrounding a cup of tea and honey pot


Save your thoughts. Protect our Forests!

How many of us, most likely women, had a little book with a lock when we were little? Maybe it was adorned with unicorns or kittens, and we kept the little key somewhere known only to us. Every night, we would crawl into the safety of our beds, pull out our favorite pen, and write, “Dear Diary.” 

As it turns out, we all should’ve kept doing it--men and women. As we focus more on mental health, journaling (diary keeping) has been shown to have several health benefits, and you might be surprised by what they are. But think about a time when you’re upset or excited, and you want to tell someone. You usually feel better after doing so, right? Especially if that person is someone whom you trust with your secrets. That notebook on your nightstand? It can play the same role, except it can’t talk back, and, well, sometimes, that’s just what we need.

According to Intermountain Healthcare (Utah), journaling can have the following health benefits: stress relief (including lower blood pressure), increased immune function, improved memory, boosted moods, and stronger emotional functions.

Who knew, right? But now comes the sustainability question. We’re all trying to reduce our impact on the planet, and mountains of journals couldn’t possibly help, right?

Wrong! New Leaf Paper’s new line of sustainable journals and notebooks will help you save your thoughts AND our forests. Our recycled-paper journals, which contain 100% post-consumer recycled fiber (which means we don’t use virgin trees for production), so you can write until your heart--and your mind--is content.

Help yourself. Help make the world a greener place. Save your thoughts. Protect our Forests. We like these outcomes.

Dear Diary, I would like to order some New Leaf Paper journals.