International Day of Zero Waste: Small Steps Create Big Impact
March 24, 2025
Communities around the world will be observing International Day of Zero Waste on March 30, 2025. Simple steps to move towards a more sustainable future.
How Recycled Paper is Fighting Climate Change: A Story of Hope
January 10, 2025
Climate change may feel overwhelming, but solutions like recycled paper provide a tangible way to make a difference.
B Corporations: Continuing the Legacy of Labor Day
August 30. 2024
For B Corps, Labor Day is not only a tradition but also a reflection of core values and commitment to responsible business practices.
JUNE 18, 2024
In a changing world, new mental health challenges, including eco-anxiety, have emerged. There are simple steps you can take to boost positive feelings and combat anxiety.
giving back in 2023
April 25, 2024
In 2023, New Leaf Paper donated over $24,000 and 244 service hours to nonprofits we care about. Learn more about the organizations we were honored to assist in 2023.
The Green Divide: Recycled Fiber Paper vs. Post-Consumer Recycled Fiber Paper
February 12, 2024
Products made with recycled paper and post-consumer recycled fiber (PCRF) are both sustainable choices, but one is better than the other!
Keep on giving
November 21, 2023
Learn how Thanksgiving Coffee Company, Narrative Foods, and New Leaf Paper weave their philanthropic efforts through their business practices and products to give back to their communities and make the world a better place to live.
Orange Goes Green at UT
November 21, 2023
The University of Tennessee scores a win with environmentally-friendly products students love. See the endorsement from UT and learn more about the New Leaf Paper products now found at the VolShop Campus Store.
JuLY 13, 2023
New Leaf Green Notes™ are the pocket-sized notebook that helps to save endangered trees in North America.
New Leaf Paper Gives Back
June 6, 2023
Learn more about the organizations we gave our time and money to in 2022.
May 25, 2023
The New Leaf Paper celebrated Earth Day last March by getting together for a company-wide meeting at the Gettysburg Heritage Center.
May 20 is world bee day
May 18, 2023
Bees and other pollinators are essential for food security and biodiversity but they are under threat. Learn what you can do to celebrate World Bee Day and how you can help bees everyday!
making trade shows sustainable
march 9, 2023
Sometimes “virtual” won’t cut it. When face-to-face meetings are needed, such as our recent trip to the CAMEX - Campus Market Expo, they can still be sustainable. See how we carried our mission throughout our recent trade show booth, sales materials, and travel.
small changes = big impact
march 1, 2023
Small changes to your daily habits can add up fast to create BIG impacts. Imagine how much progress could be made if everybody made a few easy changes to their daily routines.
Make GREEN your holiday color
Nov 29, 2022
Enjoy these tips to keep the "green" front and center as you decorate, bake, exchange gifts, and celebrate this magical season!
Leave the leaves
Oct 25, 2022
What if—gasp!—you didn't rake the leaves? What if we all started a new trend of leaving the leaves this year? Read more to understand the benefits of leaving the leaves.
Dear Diary: Save your thoughts. Save the planet.
January 20, 2022
How many of us, most likely women, had a little book with a lock when we were little? Maybe it was adorned with unicorns or kittens, and we kept the little key somewhere known only to us. Every night, we would crawl into the safety of our beds, pull out our favorite pen, and write, “Dear Diary.”
DECEMBER 15, 2021
How can you help the planet while celebrating the holidays? By keeping “green” front and center as you decorate, bake, exchange gifts and get on with the merrymaking! Continued…
Go Back to School, and Go Green!
September 14, 2021
School buses and apples for teachers and homework and backpacks and lots and lots of books—all of these things are present as students return to classrooms, some after missing an entire year of in-person learning because of the pandemic. Continued…
Let’s Get Planting: But read this first! native plants are important!
April 14, 2021
It’s that time of year: People everywhere are thinking spring planting and gardening. Home-improvement stores are setting up their nursery areas, creating outdoor spaces, and department stores are touting short-sleeve tops and open-toed shoes. Continued…
EARTH DAY: Our favorite time of the year!
April 1, 2021
It’s April! And we’re excited, because what comes in April? Easter! Well, yes, but something else. Spring! Again, yes, but still something else. Earth Day! Ding! Ding! Ding! Continued…
We’re a B Corp! But what’s a B Corp?
March 4, 2021
How do you decide which businesses to support? Do you pay attention to their values and real-world actions? As consumers, many of us try to support companies that are committed to transparency and actively contribute to the greater good of our world's problems. Continued…
February 12, 2021
It’s tough being a small business—like, a really small business with only one to five employees. But most of us wouldn’t have it any other way. When it comes to sustainability, I admit I struggle Continued…
NOVEMBER 25, 2020
There are many opportunities for the consumer to be more sustainable during the holiday season! Shop locally, make your gifts, and reduce waste to reduce your environmental impact this holiday season. Continued…
April 22, 2020
Happy Earth Day, America! For more than two decades New Leaf Paper has turned the waste our country creates into the paper…continued