Bumble bee on purple flower

Saturday, May 20 is World Bee Day

We all depend on pollinators for biodiversity and food security. Pollinators also help mitigate climate change and contribute to environmental conservation. Bees pollinate crops, a critical component of sustainable farming which, in turn, helps create rural jobs and reduce poverty. What a hard-working bunch!

Recognizing the importance of bees and other pollinators, the United Nations unanimously approved May 20 be recognized as World Bee Day in 2017. This is a day for all of us to consider what we can do to help our bee friends who increasingly face threats to their survival including warming temperatures, mono-crop farming, pesticides, land use change, and more. A balanced diet which includes fruits, nuts, and vegetables depend on our friends the bees. It is estimated that every third spoonful of food exists because a bee or other pollinators did what they do naturally.

Illustration of flying bee

Fun Bee Facts*

1. The average honey bee will only make around 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its entire lifetime.

2. A single bee visits 50 to 100 flowers on each pollination trip.

3. Almost 75% of the crops grown in the world rely on honey bee pollination.

4. There are over 25,000 different species of bee - and many of them can’t even sting!

* twinkl.com/event/world-bee-day-usa-2023

cute illustration of bee flying

How Can You Help?

The Bee Conservancy has great ideas on how you can help the bees everyday! See their 10 Ways to Save the Bees article for ideas of easy things you can do to help. Imagine how much we could help if we all did a few, simple things!

New Leaf Paper Designer Notebook featuring custom bee artwork photo showing 2 sizes.
New Leaf Paper Designer Notebook with bee/honeycomb cover in 2 sizes

Celebrate World Bee Day with our Designer Notebook Featuring Bees!

Show your love for the bees with our designer notebook featuring colorful honeycomb and bumblebee artwork created specifically for New Leaf Paper. Available in 2 sizes and like all of our notebooks, is made using recycled materials, printed with vegetable inks, and made in the USA.